3240Design LLC

creating visual solutions
Fine Art - Public Art - Design
Dynamic Work Environments
Fine Art - Design Thinking
Solutions and Consulting

3240design LLC is a top design firm - solving your user experience needs from physical spaces to digital products, event and installation & fine art needs

Design Thinking - User Experience Design - User Design for Physical Spaces User Focused Experiences - Fine Art Consulting - Art Fabrication - Freelance Retail Visual Design - Merchandising Solutions - Event & Set Design - UX Large format Images and Graphics - Light up and Reverse Channel Letters

Visual outcomes is our business - User Experience - Art curation, Installation Art and Art Installation with a highly creative approach to Art and Design

Services and Industries served Include: Private - Corporate, Commercial and Municipal Clients - Contract Services - Residential Clients -Traditional Design Approaches as well as Conceptual and Multi Disciplinary Approaches - Specialties range from: Foundry to Fabrication to Ephemeral Plant designs & Street Art to projection mapping, digital and 3d technologies our creative director has done it all.

We specialize in Visual Solutions - Curation - Design - Commercial Fine Art - Immersive Experiential Art Acquisitions/Selection/Placement - Commercial/Residential - Fine Art - Contemporary Art for Historic Structures - Public Art - Two dimensional Works - Sculpture - Art Collection Management - Fine Art Integration into Design Layouts - Fabrication - Performance Art - Social Engagement Art - Installation Art and  Art  Environments  -  Environmental Art  -  User Experience and Graphic Design

Consulting Services - Graphics and Fine Art dimensionally variable 2-d works on almost any substrate Billboards and Large Format Graphics - No Visual Project or Event too Large or Small - Customer Focused

We can work on a project basis or hourly rates starting as low as $60 per hour

Feel like stopping by for a visit? We have an Art Gallery - 3240design llc is the parent company of one of Denver’s top contemporary art spaces: fooLPRoof contemporary art 3240 Larimer St. RiNo Denver - @foolproofartgallery

Our design lead is contemporary artist Laura Phelps Rogers. Laura’s work is exhibited throughout the US and Internationally. She has received acclaim for her one of a kind works and unique conceptual approach that considers the site, clients desired outcome and viewer experiences.  Her monumental, site specific, installation and social engagement art combine with engineering expertise. Her 2d work paintings and photography can be seen in galleries and the public sector.  She works with the company’s stable of artists to provide original artworks to meet clients needs - from creating large scale installations to limited edition dimensionally variable works to suit every need.

Our team incorporates large scale engineering efficiency with attention to detail -  Utilize our event design and management experience - full service construction or individual design elements for your site, business or event - Local, National and International - we can travel to meet your needs. 

Link to Laura’s personal fine art CV - Laura Phelps Rogers CV Fine Art April 2024 .docx

3240design llc is developing an additional businesses approach the art-e-store through artsy - stay tuned